EKOPLAGÁT is an International Exhibition and Contest of Posters on the Topics of Nature Conservation and Environment. Registration to the 16th edition of this competition is possible from today. Contestants can send their registration form and posters until 5th June 2023. The organizers of this significant competition are the Malá Fatra National Park Administration in Varín in cooperation with the Považská Gallery of Arts in Žilina, the Carpathian Wetland Initiative, the State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic in Banská Bystrica, the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic and the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic.
EKOPLAGÁT ´23 in Žilina will be held under the auspices of the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic. Registered and selected posters from the period 2020 – 2023 for the competition will be exhibited from 28th September to 11th November 2023 in the Považská Gallery of Arts in Žilina.
The exhibition is open for professional designers, artists, art agencies, teams of authors, environmental organisations and institutions and students from the art schools from all over the world. The students of the art and design academies and universities can enter the work of the art studio.
The conditions for participation in EKOPLAGÁT ´23 are described in the REGULATIONS and in the COMPETITION RULES. The Regulations and Competition Rules contain changes, please read them carefully!
Registration of authors is possible only through the online registration form at EKOPLAGÁT webpage https://www.ekoplagat.sk/en/current-year/.
The organizers would like to point out that poster(s) in the digital version for printing in the Catalogue must be send separately on a CD-ROM/ USB flash to the contact postal address or via external storage to the contact e-mail.
The exhibition and contest EKOPLAGÁT in Žilina started as the first regular international event of this kind over the world in 1978 when this exhibition took place in the Považská Gallery of Arts in Žilina, Slovakia. Every three years EKOPLAGÁT shows to the public the latest trends in poster art aimed at environment and nature protection. EKOPLAGÁT has a cultural, social and educational justification, and its focus is a unique international event that, through poster creation, contributes to increasing the public’s interest in preserving the diversity of life forms on Earth.
Contact address:
Malá Fatra National Park Administration in Varín, Hrnčiarska 197, 013 03 Varín, Slovak Republic, e-mail: ev.npmalafatra@gmail.com